Kalei‘opu‘u Elementary Chooses Love!
Choose Love is a social emotional program providing children with knowledge, attitude, and skills they need to choose love in any situation! The four pillars of Choose Love are COURAGE, GRATITUDE, FORGIVENESS, AND COMPASSION IN ACTION! Every two weeks, our students are focusing on one of the pillars, so please make sure to talk with your child(ren) about Choose Love.
Also, we will soon be having Choose Love Mondays! This is when our staff and students can wear Choose Love shirts across campus. Order forms will be coming out soon for the shirts, so please be on the lookout!
Lastly, as we try to promote Choose Love across our school campus, we would love to get input from our families and community. We have created an email account for families and community partners to email our school any stories about Choose Love.
Visit our Resources tab (located on the top left of this page):
There is a document with hearts. If you would like, please print and cut out the hearts. You can write a quote or message related to Choose Love to share via email -
Links to Choose Love / Inspirational Videos
Choose Love calendar
Choose Love Daily Lessons​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Thank you for CHOOSING LOVE!